
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The Difference between Reciting the Wazifah and Begging From Allah

Ubqari Magazine - September 2016

Mimicking Hazrat Musa (May Allah’s peace be upon him): In the court of Pharaoh, there used to be a jester who used to mimic Hazrat Musa (Peace be upon him). Hazrat Musa (Peace be upon him) had put a hot coal in his mouth and because of which he had a bit of stammer. The jester used to mimic him and would try to talk like him. Although he used to do so to please Pharaoh and his ministers but Allah liked his mimicking so much that when Pharaoh along with his army of 2 million was drowned then He saved the jester from drowning.

Forgiveness for mimicking: it is mentioned in the books that once Hazrat Musa (Peace be upon him) asked Allah about him. Allah said, O Musa, you are my messenger and I love you and as this guy mimics you so I love him too and have saved him from drowning. It is mentioned that Allah blessed him with guidance and he was also became one of the devotees of Hazrat Musa (Peace be upon him)

O my wild passion, do not remain idle, rather go and seek him into the ruins

To become a zealot, first you need to look like a zealot.

My respected friends! My Allah has full command to turn the whole world of this heart upside down at least we should try to mimic his beloved friends.

Reciting without concentration: 

Once, a farm owner came to see me to discuss one of his problems. I suggested a recitation for him. He excused to recite it himself but suggested if he could get it recited by one of the imam of his mosque. I gave him permission to do so. After some time he came back and complained that despite the recitation, his issue was not resolved and he requested to change the recitation by something more effective. I replied him that there was nothing wrong with the recitation rather there was some lack of concentration. The recitation had to be recited like the zealots and the crazy people. Insha Allah you will get your desire.

Smiling during the journey: The guy went to his imam and asked him to accompany him to somewhere. The imam was delighted to see such a big car and such a great personality had come to see him. Then he looked at the sky and smiled. This is among the Sunnah of the Holy messenger (Peace be upon him) to gaze at the sky and smile before a journey. Then he recited the prayer to start the journey but when he boarded on the car he was terrified to see a gun in the car. He first thought that the guy seemed to be wealthy and he had kept a gun to protect himself.

Difference in reciting the spells and begging from Allah: While travelling on their way, when they reached a jungle, then the landlord suddenly stopped the car and asked him to alight from the vehicle. When he got off the car, the landlord pulled his gun to the imam and asked him to recite kalimah as he was going to kill him. The imam began shivering with fear and asked for his fault. The landlord said that he had asked him to recite a spell which he did not and his issue was still unresolved. The imam said that he had recited it indeed but the landlord said no you did not recite it. He added that he had already killed so many people and he had already got so many murder cases registered against him so no one would ask him for his murder too. Now the imam started pleading for his life and offered him to recite it again. The landlord agreed to give him one more chance but if his matter was not resolved then he will get killed. Now the imam when recited it again, he did it with full concentration as now it was matter of saving his own life as well. When the same recitation was done with full concentration, the landlord’s issue got resolved as now there was restlessness and full concentration behind it. Previously there was just a mere recital but now it was backed up with full concentration.

The decree of Hajjaj bin Yusuf: once Hajjaj was circumambulating round the Ka’aba that he saw a blind person asking Allah Almighty to bless him with sight. Hajjaj saw him after completing his tawaf that he was still blind. Hajjaj said that he was in fact not asking with full concentration rather he was just uttering the prayers. He asked his servants to bring that blind person to him. When the blind came to him, he said that he had just started the first round of his tawaf and there were still another six rounds remaining. If his prayer was not granted until his remaining ritual was completed, he would get killed. Hajjaj was indeed a very brute and cruel person. The blind man started pleading to Allah Almighty again.

The sight for the blind: The blind man begged from Allah with such a zeal and concentration that if he was not granted sight, then he will lose his life from the hand of Hajjaj. Previously he was asking for sight only but now he was pleading for his life too. He pleaded with such a zeal and concentration while crying vehemently that his sight was restored before Hajjaj could complete his seven rounds.

The prayer diffused in the air: in some mosques the imams pray after the prayers but that dua is not a prayer rather it is a long list of demands and the followers are loudly saying amen behind him. They are doing loud amen to give a signal to the imam to finish the prayers quickly and their amen lacks any concentration and faith.


To know about the wonderful spiritual; recitation and secrets of closeness to Allah, read complete set of Khutbat-e-Ubqari.

Those who benefitted from the sermon: Respected Hazrat Hakeem sahib, Assalalmu Alaikam, I have been regularly attending the weekly sermon in Tasbih Khana for the last four years. I started upon invitation from one of my friends and since then I have been quite regular and got enormously benefitted from the sermon. Your sermons have revolutionised my life. My ways of thinking, deciding and understanding have changed. I was quite worried from my situation at home but by the Grace of Allah Almighty that all my affairs are getting straight in such a way that I cannot imagine. I was also quite worried for my declining business but now AlhamduliLLah, Allah has blessed me with huge progress. The sermon has indeed changed all my economic, domestic and spiritual affairs. (Abu Adil, Lahore)



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